
fuck work, give me money everyone :D

i don't know how people do it.
i just got a second part-time job today and i didn't even start work yet, and i can feel myself stressing.
i just started work recently.. i had an injury right before the summer, i'll tell you guys about it another time, right now i'm still in agony from the tooth..or teeth i don't know, well that injury cost me my ex-job and so now that i have returned to the work force, i've gone in full force and for the first time i'll be trying two jobs at once and i'm so scared.
i don't want them to interfere and the second job's manager scares me. she knows i have another job and so is a bit compassionate, doesn't make me less scared though.
let's see where it takes me.
and job #1 is annoying me with intensive training.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh :( i'm dyingggggg of stress and a broken-jaw type pain.


ADG said...

Trade the Ex Job with Ex Lax they both have the same effect right?

Sarah said...

Ouch. Juggling two jobs is very difficult, but definitely worth the money.

You'll do great! I know it.


Brent Festge said...

My mom had like six jobs when I was growing up. Cause I told her if she didn't get me what I wanted for Christmas I'd kill her boyfriend.

PinkAvocado said...

now that's motivation. hahaha!

and i hope i can sarah <3 thanks for the support.