
We all bleed red.

How beautiful is the love between a person and their beliefs? I was driving today and saw this beautiful temple, made from white marble. It was like a piece of art in the concrete jungle. 

I find the love we can have for something more "devine" or the faith we have in something that we cannot prove can be absolutely beautiful. I just wish more people would accept that their belief doesn't trump someone else's belief.  

I wish we lived in a world more accepting of all religions, theists and atheists. Whatever you believe is okay. Whomever you want to pray to, or choose not to pray to, it is okay. 

One of the most private and unique thing about one is their spirituality, or the lack of it. It is absolutely the most sincere thing that one can share with you. If someone ever tells you about what they believe in, be kind, and be open; for your spirituality might be just as foreign to them. 

I am not a religious person, but I do have respect for those who have their beliefs but never push it on others. 

Yesterday I looked at the news, I wish I could count on one hand the amounts of conflicts between neighbours in the world. They're about religion, money, and power. All of which humans have been obtaining through wars for thousands of years. I know that most religions, atleast all of the Abrahamic ones, teach to love thy neighbour, I don't see a part in any religion that says, kill them if they don't believe in me. And if they do, do you question it? 

All of this makes me worried about the future of our generations to come. What a sad world. So beautiful but so violent and sad. 


I'm attracted to assholes

I certainly have a type, assholes. Yes, assholes are my type. If they weren't, I would have been single forever. 

Even the nice ones are assholes once the glitter wears off. It's like with everything in life. You see, when it snows and the sun shines on the snow; it looks absolutely beautiful. Cold but beautiful. When it melts, it too turns to shitty mud. Shitty, icy, salty mud. 

When picking who to spend your energy on, we must first try to find our happiness. If we settle our happiness in others, we end up broken once they decide that you aren't satisfying their happiness. 

You don't know what you seek until you're done knowing who you are. It sounds like a bunch of philosophical bullshit (it is mostly), but it still does portray a nice message. 

I, too, once wondered if I will meet the right person to be with forever. I now am certain that I will only find someone moderately tolerable after I find what the hell my own purpose is. Who the hell am I? Am I an asshole?


"What religion are you?"

I am not my religion. My beliefs are somewhat connected to a religion, humanity. I am a human before I am part of any religion. This question seems so irrelevant and useless to me. What difference does it make to anyone where and how I decide to worship or be spiritual, or if at all? One thing I never will understand is the importance of religion to our world. Like I've heard one very wise man say, "one day, there'll be no religion, we will have a happier world to live in". And I believe this thoroughly. Not because I do not like religion, but because it is used as a crutch too often to justify things that are inhumane. As soon as your religion is none of anyone else's business, the world will become a more peaceful place. Keep it in your heart and not on your lips.