

Are all men freaks?

So you start to get close to someone and you realize or see something odd.
Either you ignore that fact, or you dispose of him, then you move on to the next freak.

You worry that you may die alone, because frankly, men aren't doing it for you.
Is it better to be alone or to just ignore it all and live with him? Let him be your life even though you cannot stand him? I guess that's what alot of us do.

We worry about what others will think, what mom or your perfect sister may think, it's okay.

Afterall, women, men, your mother, we are all freaks at heart. Either you realize it, or you never do.
Be careful. Think about it.


RCaitlin said...

I totally know what ur talking about. I think it's so sad when girls just "settle" for a guy. I used to the that maybe everyone just settled. But I finally met a guy who was perfect and even though I'm not with him because of various complications, at least I know that it can happen. Hang in there and don't settle for less than you deserve.

PinkAvocado said...

yes! It's awesome to hear someone else who agrees with me, and yes I understand you when you say that there are "perfect" guys out there, let's hope we find them someday, better then settling and then regreting :)