
it's me again, sry.

hello, hi, who am i?

i love how everyone thinks they know me.
i think my distance from everyone secretly scares them.
there are those who tell me what to do, what not to do,
how fat i am, or how terrible my hair looks when it is curly.
then there are those, who say the opposite things, but deep down, they all think the same, afterall, we're only human, who said we always have to be honest?
last night, someone told me, that deep down inside, everyone has a bit of hate for me.
the sad thing is, i think he was right.
i told him he was, he agreed to it.
i asked if he hated me deep down, he said yes, he laughed, i believed him.

i think it's just who i am, i'm on my own, i have my own mind, my own voice, and it scares people.
am i okay with that? definately. being a woman with more power then her follow man, i think having power, assertiveness sets you apart, from the crowd.
i tend to intimidate people sometimes, sometimes i get really intimidated, both work to my disadvantage according to my significant friends. i personally believe and know that it is only making me stronger, the hatered, the minimal love.

i don't think me being me should be a threat to people. but who am i to tell others what they should or shouldn't feel right? they can decide for themselves.
if i am going to be the only woman with a real voice, a real personality- so be it.
i pity the friends that have lost me, because i was their reality crutch, now i stand back and watch them fall.
it's sad really, that most of the women i know are more concerned with popping out kids, rather then worrying about their futures, careers, their laughter, and happiness- that most of these women are ending up in terrible relationships with men who are nothing but scum. who am i to judge, i am nothing but a single girl, working towards her career, without the support of a man. because the last thing i need is a whiny penis trying to boss me around. thank you very much.

well that's it for now, i may be back in a bit, considering there is alot on my mind.
toodles and follow the rainbow people, follow it.
i'm just a queen of my domain.

with love,

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