
ex this or ex that.

i hate it when you talk to an ex or something, and they say "we can be friends and such"
but you both know that's merely impossible. then why, WHY must we lie and pretend all is good? and when it does come time to talking, even by accident, we either chicken out by running away, or we converse and just let the conversation take an awkward turn. doesn't life kinda suck when you lose friends due to dating? i'm talking about either the friends you date, or the friends who hate you dating.
hmph. everything happens for a good reason.
i'm waiting on the reason.
i do have regrets in life.



Sarah said...

I totally know where you're coming from, hun. I am the worst when it comes to ex's. I am the type who breaks down and either starts crying or asking them why they don't want to be with me. It usually ends up one of two ways: me left crying for days on end, or me having sex with them THEN crying for days on end when they stop talking to me again.

I don't know why we say "let's stay friends." It barely ever works. I think it's maybe part hope that things will work out later and part "this person is too good to completely lose."

Who knows?

Keep your head up, babe. I assume that's your picture in your profile, and if it is, you'll have no problem catching the right guy sooner or later. You are gorgeous!


Sarah said...

oh, and on top of being gorgeous, you seem smart and funny, and some of the things you say are cute, so you got a lot going for you!

PinkAvocado said...

you're soo awesome!
thank you for being soooo sweet <3 xx.
fuck exes! they're exes for a reason, and being single has it's own perks, you know, having more then one person :). hehehe.
i think it's a matter of just someone learning to be alone again, and to learn to love themselves after everything.
in other words, there are more fish in the sea. :P Life is too short for waiting!

Sarah said...

Exactly. I always say you can't love someone else until you love yourself. Spending time alone and getting to know yourself inside and out is the best way to figure out what you want from someone else.

And yes, fuck exes! They wouldn't be exes if they were right for us. The single life is great. As much as I love the relationship I'm in right now, I still miss being single. Enjoy it for me! lol

You're a sweetie, too. I love our little comment tag we are playing!

PinkAvocado said...

hehehehe i know it's fun :P.

ps. i'm happy for you, everything has a time and place and it was the right time for you to find your special someone, which is great!
and yes i will live it for all the people in commited relationships! YAY!

Sarah said...

Awww, thanks, hun.