
if you're racist and you know it, kill yourself ♪

i'd like to touch base on racism and why it annoys me so much.
i think people naturally are retarded.
a friend shared a video with me that honestly shocked me.
the sad thing is, when i went to europe this summer, we couldn't go to a single club because they were always "vip" or "completely full" or "25+". i remember one night that everyone decided we'd go out, considering that most of us were from canada and were in europe for the first time.
we were all people of colour, hence it was a problem.
it made me sick, because my cousins were used to it. they said that after a few times, you get used to the rejection. it made me SICK.
i do not tolerate any form of racism whatsoever. i don't think anyone should.
i hate racist people! damn you racist fucks!


ADG said...

Swedish Cunts.
They're your typical European country. There's a player called Zlatan Ibrahimovic who was born in Sweden to Bosnian and Croatian parents. As soon as he became well known, the Swedish Football Association thought "Damn that guy's excellent at football we better make him a Swedish International player." Anyone who'd be for their benefit is worth the time basically. You get a variation in those kinds of countries, but most racists are in the Nordic/Middle Earth type regions. Come to London, you'll get vhatewer you vant! xx

Karencilla said...

Hi pink A.
It is very sad! We are in 2008 21st century and it's unbelievable this still happens.

I've experienced myself, for being half Chinese. Also, because my boyfriend is half dark skinned. sometimes people stare at us, I mean what's wrong with people?? what is bothering them??
We sincerely don't care. We love each other and that's what matter.

PinkAvocado said...

akash - i know! well see i'm happy in toronto. we don't see racism, it's very taboo here and it isn't acceptable and everyone knows that. thank god, but yeah i've heard of that player before.

karencilla- i know what you mean, it's wrong. people need to get a grip. people are so judgemental, it's sooo rude! and it's like, try being human for a second! stupid people!

Brent Festge said...

I think we should all accept racist people for who they are. You don't go around harassing retarded people just because they don't do sports good...right? Last summer my mom invited my neighbor to her bar-b-q party and he's a child molester, but she wouldn't invite Grandpa Hank just because he doesn't like Mexicans (I think he says that just because I am half Mexican though).