I was looking at my purse, and thought to myself "why the hell do i lug this shit around EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME?
There are times where I don't even have a thing to take with me, but, an empty purse with my chapstick and cellphone in it make me feel whole.
i feel naked without one, and i think most women know exactly what i'm talking about..
believe it or not, purses weren't a huge accessory up until the 70's, so this whole having 300 purses each at $300 is pretty new.
but for a 21 one year old, that is pretty much my whole life. I remember being 15 and carrying my first purse, before that it was always a backpack.. but now i see 4 year olds with their little barbie or disney ones, and think WTF?
do you think we're a society that is stuck on worrying about norms and fitting in? ofcourse. so sad.
Yes. But if we didn't worry about fitting in we would never experience that narcotic-like rush of having something new and showing it off to everyone else. I don't know about you, but every time I get a new dragon-claw-ring bejeweled with onyx and sapphires, it is all I can do not to giggle and skip whilst flapping my hands as I wear it around the outlet malls.
actually, all societies are about norms and fitting in.
When my grandparents were young, the norms were different but clear all the same: to work at 14 years old, to marry and to have children. To go to church with a nice hat on. If you fell out of that pattern, people looked at you strangely.
1968 you had to be a hippy, living in communities, smoking drugs and be into free sex.
The norms are changing, but society-rules never do...
i agreeee stephanie..
it's a sad reality.. some what works well.. sometimes screws us over.. i.e. murses.
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