
"let's just take things slow..."

how does a man always get away with taking things slow after taking things FAST?
fucking men should have their balls chopped off.


they think they can come back after two months and try to do it all over again.. that's when we take charge, or i hope every woman does.
if you fall for these games once, he's an idiot..
if you fall for the same shit again, you're an idiot.

so ladies,
think twice before you let a man walk all over you.. twice or even three times.


Kitty Deschanel said...

Lol on your recommendation at the top!
Unfortunately, I've definitely been 1 of the dummies who falls for the same crap from the same guy over and over. I'm happy to say that those days have been over for several years though :)


PinkAvocado said...

wish i could say the same for myself, and other women around me!

happy for yah!
:) thanks for stopping by!!

sam♥ said...

100% have and still do fall for it.... its sad:P

But I agree with having their balls chopped off;)
amazzzzing idea!

PinkAvocado said...

ahahaha oh my i don't remember my own comments sometimes.. but i still have to agree with muyself haha!
women are like little dumb sheep.. :(