
some moments are harder then others.

never in my life did i think that i would be associated with someone who went to jail, until now.

a few people in my life were put in jail a few days ago, with false allegations.
their bail hearings are in the next two days and i'm dying inside.

i can't believe it, and it's so not fair. these people are amongst my bestest and closest friends.
the fucking media is bashing them, and it's killing me inside. i don't know who to tell, or talk to.
i have been talking with a friend, but i feel like i can't cry to her, because i don't want her to cry.

let me tell you guys, this is hard, i know a lot of people have to face situations like this, and i'm sure they understand how difficult it is to support others who are involved.

i don't know who to talk to, and how to approach it all, it's too much to deal with at once, since it is not one person.

i can't wait to see them, free, and just hug them tight.
this really sucks.


D* said...

Hey babe. This sucks! I'm so sorry you have to go through this.
Cry! It will make you feel better. Slightly. But it will be a vent.
If the allegations are 100% false..you're friends will be free for sure. Just hold on to that fact. Be patient. xx

PinkAvocado said...

Hey hun!
Thank you for the support. I really appreciate it.
much love.


D* said...

Your puppies are so effing cute. Lol. Do you have Twitter??? How is everything going? x

PinkAvocado said...

hi hun!
thank you :) they are cute!
I don't have twitter :( sorry, never used it! hehe

D* said...

You've been awarded! Visit my blog to pick it up :)